CEC-S is a public separate school operated by the Clermont County Educational Service Center (CCESC) and serves the nine school districts in Clermont County and beyond. It is home to the Genesis and STAR Programs which provides programming for students in grades K-12. Teachers, paraprofessionals, qualified mental health specialists and related service providers work in teams to provide each student a program designed to address behavioral and emotional needs as well as increase academic performance. An onsite school resource officer (SRO) assists in maintaining a safe and orderly learning climate.

CEC South is located at:

463 South Broadway

Owensville, OH 45160




The Genesis Program is a public separate school designed to meet the needs of students, Kindergarten (K) through grade twelve (12), in special education who have been identified as having behavioral/emotional disabilities. Students enrolled in the Genesis Program are eligible for special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) and have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that guides services.

Students in the Genesis Program receive direct, specialized instruction in social and emotional learning as well as academics in a small group setting. Each classroom is facilitated by a teacher and at least one paraprofessional. In addition to intense instruction in social and emotional learning and academics, students enrolled in the Genesis Program receive mental health support services from Child Focus, Inc. Mental health services may be provided in a small group or individual setting, based on student need. All mental health supports focus on participating independently in the classroom.

The Genesis Program is designed to allow students to receive direct instruction in, then practice, the skills needed to participate successfully in their home district programs. Many of the unstructured components of a typical school program (frequent class changes, unsupervised hallway and restroom breaks) have been removed in the Genesis Program in order to keep students safe and allow for immediate student success.

STAR Program

The STAR Program stands for Students Transitioning and Adult Readiness. The STAR Program is a work study experience for students with disabilities who do not intend to defer diplomas, but who want to enter the competitive work force immediately after graduation.

Grades 6-12 participate in the program.

The school experience will include core academic work in independent living and functional life skills. Preparing to enter the workforce and developing the skills needed to hold a job are very important skills.

A focused effort to develop an individual student success plan with targeted employment interests and skills will match students with employers. It is expected that a portion of the first quarter will focus on this initiative. A fully developed resume will be developed and presented in interviews for job placement when students are ready.

Students in the STAR Program focus on core academics and then work in job placements interviewing skills, life skills in independent living.


To report student absences, please contact 513.724.8555. If necessary, leave a message with your name, the students name and nature of his/her absence.


Melissa McGahan, Principal (M. Ed.), 513.724.8555
Angela Jones, Administrative Assistant, 513.724.8555

Student Calendar and Handbook

Below is a link to view the CEC South School Calendar and Handbook for the 2024-2025 school year:

24/25 School Calendar

2024-2025 Student Handbook

Student 1:1 Chromebook Information

Student Chromebook Agreement - Rules, Guidelines and Procedures

Technology Orientation Guide - For Parents and Students

School Breakfast and Summer Food Service Programs

All students attending CEC-South are able to receive a breakfast at no cost. Breakfast is available shortly after arriving to school. Breakfast is served until 8:30am. Students will be offered a breakfast on delayed starts also.

All students are eligible to receive free meals during the summer months at participating program sites. Please reach out to your home school district to get a list of eligible food sites. Summer Food Service Program


Student App Portal (Single Single-On) Students must use their Clever Badges inorder to log into