October is National Down Syndrome Month. Lets take a minute to celebrate what makes "You" uniquely "You". In fact, lets take a monment every month to celebrate you!
over 2 years ago, Chris Curtin
Celebrate YOU
CEC-South. Students do not have school this Friday, September 30, 2022. It is an in-service day for staff.
over 2 years ago, Sarah Bose
Our Students and Staff at CEC North are wearing Blue for Leukodystrophy Awareness!!! For more info pls go to ninds.nih.gov
over 2 years ago, Chris Curtin
leukodystrophy awareness
September is Suicide awareness month www.nami.org #mentalhealthawareness #smashthestigma
over 2 years ago, Chris Curtin
your story isn't over
Our Resource Coordinators are helping the community every day by filling basic needs and offering assistance as they can. Here they are working with CNE Cares to prepare dinner for their food pantry.
over 2 years ago, Rebecca Kearns
CNE Cares food pantry
CNE Cares food pantry
Welcome New CCESC Employees and Welcome Back to Returning Staff! Have a FABULOUS 2022-2023 school year!
over 2 years ago, Dawn Sorrells
Welcome Back!
CEC-South Starting Thursday, May 5, 2022 if a student arrives to school after 8:00am and the door is closed you will need to park on the side of the building and walk your student to the door.
almost 3 years ago, Sarah Bose
CEC-South students do not have school tomorrow Friday, February 15, 2022. I hope everyone enjoys the weekend.
almost 3 years ago, Sarah Bose
April is National Autism Awareness Month! Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a broad term used to describe a group of neurodevelopmental conditions typically characterized by differences in communication and social interaction. It is the fastest-growing developmental disorder in the United States. According to the CDC, 1 in 44 children have an ASD diagnosis.
almost 3 years ago, Dawn Sorrells
Autism Awareness
CLERMONT SCHOOL SPOTLIGHT Quality Communities Helping Kids Help Others Kudos to Goshen High School's carpentry program for its partnership with Sleep in Heavenly Peace to build beds for children in the community. Check out this link: https://bit.ly/3rhhGek
about 3 years ago, Jeff Weir
Literacy skills are vital for future success. Mrs. Nester teaches reading by modifying individual work so that all students can access the curriculum and learn at their own pace in their own way.
about 3 years ago, Rebecca Kearns
Flexibility is important as an intervention specialist. Mrs. Nester taught art this week while including skills from OT and speech in the lesson.
about 3 years ago, Rebecca Kearns
Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Tudor took their classes shopping for groceries and then the students cooked a Thanksgiving feast. Look at the delicious meal they prepared! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Kearns
Mrs. Tackett's students explore "Jack" the pumpkin as part of a year long unit about plants and seeds. They will observe, keep data, and record weekly changes to their pumpkins in special scientific journals.
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Kearns
Mr.Tilbury's students operate their own coffee cart to learn social skills, math, ELA, and many other academic and pre-employment skills.
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Kearns
Mrs. Nester's class learned about making ice cream and then integrated math, science, social skills and ELA to make their own.
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Kearns
ice crean
CEC-South students wrote letters to firefighters in honor of 9-11-2001.
over 3 years ago, Sarah Bose
The CCESC staff meets for our annual Opening Day. We're excited to see students and start the school year.
over 3 years ago, Rebecca Kearns
Opening Day for CCESC staff
CEC-South students worked at Brewhaus making dog biscuits.
almost 4 years ago, Sarah Bose
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. One way to check in on yourself is to take a mental health screen at mhascreening.org. It’s a quick, free, and private way for someone to assess their mental health and recognize signs of mental health problems.
almost 4 years ago, Rebecca Kearns